Computer Science Resources

  1. Rosetta Code
  2. Microsoft Academy
  3. Rosalind [Bioinformatics]
  4. Think *
  5. Dive into Deep Learning
  6. Engineering books
  7. What every computer science major should know
  8. Learn C# by Building a Simple RPG
  9. The Nature of Code
  10. LinuxJourney
  11. Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
  12. Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
  13. Intro to Deep Learning
  14. Deep Learning Book
  15. Linux Kernel Development
  16. Project Euler
  17. Codingbat Code Pratice
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  19. Project Based Learning
  20. Bandit Wargame
  21. Learn PHP
  22. CTF time
  23. Natural Language Processing with Python
  24. Programming Computer Vision with Python
  25. Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce
  26. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
  27. An Introduction to Data Science
  28. The Linux Command Line
  29. C Programming
  30. PC Assembly Book
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  34. A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography
  35. Bash Guide
  36. Web Security Academy
  37. SANS Cyber Aces Online Tutorials
  38. Cybrary
  39. Introduction To Network Forensics
  40. Cryptography and Network Security
  41. Snort
  42. Openargus
  43. Free AI Resources
  44. Machine learning for Everyone
  45. A First Introduction to System Exploitation
  46. SQL Tutorial
  47. Kaggle
  48. Modern Fortan Book
  49. Operating System Development Series
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  51. Learn Python
  52. Cambridge Lectures Department of Computer Science and Technology
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  78. Practical Foundations for Programming Languages
  79. Softwarefoundations Books
  80. Learnyouahaskell
  81. Machinelearningmastery
  82. Machine Learning and Big Data
  83. An Introduction to Data Sciences
  84. AI/ML Papers
  85. Structure and Intrepretation of Computer Programs
  86. Think OS
  87. The Little Book of Semaphores
  88. The Art of Unix Programming
  89. The Art of Computer Programming
  90. History of Unix
  91. An Introduction to Computer Networks
  92. Education Library - Software-Defined Radio for Engineers
  93. Think Java
  94. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
  95. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python!
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  97. Golden - Cluster AI
  98. Golden Resources
  99. Competitive Programming Book
  100. EtherNaut
  101. Over The Wire
  102. Code Submission Evaluation System
  103. Teach Yourself Computer Science
  105. GitHub - Foundational knowledge for programmers
  106. Reddit - Start Hacking
  107. Hacking Sites
  108. pythonprogramming
  109. NSA Python Course
  110. How to Secure Anything
  111. Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge
  112. Python Cookbook
  113. R Programming for Data Science
  114. Automate boring stuff with Python
  115. The R Inferno
  116. Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning
  117. The Data Science Handbook
  118. The Art of Data Science
  119. An Introduction to Statistical Learning
  120. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
  121. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
  122. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
  123. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  124. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
  125. The Elements of Statistical Learning
  126. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
  127. Mining of Massive Datasets
  128. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
  129. Learn Python, Break Python
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  131. Game Programming Patterns
  132. A handbook for making programming languages
  133. CS6038/CS5138 Malware Analysis, UC
  134. Mathematics for Machine Learning
  135. The Scientist & Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
  136. Hacker101
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  138. The Joy of Cryptography
  140. Machine Learning from Scratch
  141. Ai4ALL.pdf
  142. King Of Bug Bounty Tips
  143. An Swesome List of References for Machine Learning Operations
  144. Readings in Database Systems
  145. The Art of Hacking Series
  146. CTF Checklist
  147. The Sh3llc0d3r's Blog
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  149. Vincentyiu - Security Research
  150. HackTricks
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  153. Full Stack Deep Learning
  154. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3
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  158. Python Data Science Handbook
  159. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python
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  161. Fundamentals of Web Programming
  162. Learning Scientific Programming with Python
  163. Quantitative Economics with Python
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  165. Static Program Analysis
  166. Guide to CTF Prep/Becoming a 1337 Hacker
  167. Web Developer RoadMap
  168. Awful AI
  169. Privacy Tools
  170. AI Weirdness
  171. Google Developers
  172. Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series Modules
  173. A-Life Online Resources
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  177. Reddit - Generative Art - Tools
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  184. LearnProgramming Index
  185. Mostly Free Resources for Almost Everyone
  186. Modern C
  187. Penetration Testing Resources
  188. OpenML
  189. Rust Starter Kit 2020
  190. A Gentle Guide to Constraint Logic Programming via ECLiPSe
  191. Adventure in Prolog
  192. Expert Systems in Prolog
  193. CTF Resources
  195. Awesome CTF Cheatsheet
  196. CTF Katana
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  200. Developer Roadmaps
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  249. Introduction to Data Mining
  250. Machine Learning Engineering
  251. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  252. Doing Bayesian Data Analysis
  253. Interpretable Machine Learning
  254. Intelligent Data Analysis / Intelligente Datenanalyse (IDA)
  255. Natural Language Processing with Python
  256. Data Engineer roadmap
  257. Data Science Roadmap
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  263. Github - How to hunt
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  266. HackTheBox
  267. Metasploitable
  268. CyberSecLabs
  269. Vulnhub
  270. ExploitDB
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  272. Pentesteracademy Course Library
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  274. Awesome Hacking Resources
  275. Foundations of Computational Linguistics
  276. Programming Notes for Professionals books
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  280. An Extra 100 Ideas for Computing
  281. The UNIX Command Language (1976)
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  283. Learn Python the hard way
  284. Effective Go
  285. The Rust Programming Languagage Book
  286. AngryGhidra
  287. Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum
  288. Docsify
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  294. Deeplearningwizard
  295. Artificial Intelligence - Foundations of Computational agents
  296. Deep Learning with Python
  297. Data Mining and Machine Learning: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
  298. Convex Optimization
  299. The Field Guide to Data Science
  300. OpenRefine (Google Refine)
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  302. Machine Learning Cheatsheet
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  315. Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science
  316. Weka Machine Learning
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  404. Quantopian Lectures
  405. QuantEcon Lectures
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  408. Course Webpage for Compilers
  409. Introduction to Machine Learning
  410. You Don't Know JS Yet
  411. How To Write a Computer Emulator
  412. Yann LeCun's Deep Learning Course at CDS
  413. Rule-Based Expert Systems
  414. Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence: The First Decade
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  416. Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine
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  418. Cybersecurity Career Pathway
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