My Philosophy Road (So far)

The Republic P
Gödel, Escher, Bach D. R. H.
Second minimum diary U. E.
Fictions J. L. B.
Aleph J. L. B.
Book of Imaginary Beings J. L. B.
Flatland E. A. A.
A Little History of Philosophy N. W.
Discourse on the Method R. D.
Tractatus logico-philosophicus L. W.
Philosophy N. W.
Logic Course D. P.
Book of Proof R. H.
Apology P.
Philosophical writings G. F.
On Nature H.
The Original Structure E. S.
The Elements E.
Set Theory: An Open Introduction M. G.
Sets Logic and Computation C.
Monas Hieroglyphica J. D.
Fragments P.
What Does It All Mean? T. N.
Enchiridion E.
Free Prisoner G. T.
Discourses E.
The Prince N. M.
The Call of Cthulhu H. P. L.
A Letter Concerning Toleration J. L.
Summa Theologiae T. D.
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers D. L.
Utilitarianism J. B.
Utilitarianism J. S. M.
Metaphysics A.
Incompleteness and Computability C.
The Myth of Sisyphus A. C.
Meditations M. A.
The Black Cat E. A. P.
The Gay Science F. N.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences E. W.
Treatise on Tolerance V.
The Indispensability of Mathematics M. C.
The Stranger A. C.
The Country of the Blind H. G. W.
The Confessions S. A.
A Theory of Semiotics U. E.
On Aristotle's Principle of Contradiction J. Ł.
Introduction to the lecture of Kant's Critique R. C.
Critique of pure reason I. K.
Kantian structures C. L. R.
Zeno's Conscience I. S.
Leviathan T. H.
No Longer Human O. D.
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men J. J. R.
Philosophical Investigations L. W.
The Selfish Gene R. D.
The Time Machine H. G. W.
Philosophical Explanations R. N.
Naming and Necessity S. K.
The Open Society and Its Enemies K. P.
Six Characters in Search of an Author L. P.
The Fundamental Problems of Phenomenology E. H.
Against Method P. F.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions T. K.
The Meaning of Meaning H. P.
Das Kapital K. M.
Phenomenology of spirit G. W. F. H.
The sunset of the West: In the reading of Heidegger and Jaspers U. G.
An introduction to Heidegger G. V.
Introduction to Metaphysics M. H.
The Late Mattia Pascal L. P.
Man's Search for Meaning V. F.
The 120 Days of Sodom M. d. S.
Word and Object W. V. O. Q.
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis S. F.
Ontological relativity W. V. O. Q.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra F. N.
The History of Sexuality M. F.
Proofs and Refutations I. L.
The Sublime Object of Ideology S. Ž.
The Gift of Death J. D.
The Judgment F. K.
The World as Will and Representation A. S.
Fanged Noumena N. L.
Writings 1997/2003 C.
Spinal Catastrophism: A Secret History T. M.
Waiting for Godot S. B.
Philosophical Papers O. N.
The Gulag Archipelago A. S.
The Logical Structure of the World R. C.
One No One and One Hundred Thousand L. P.
Logic semantics and metamathematics A. T.
The Red Book C. J.
Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent G. P.
Category theory for sciences D. S.
The Art of Being Right A. S.
The Spirit of the Laws M.
Naked Lunch W. S. B.
The political testament C. R.
Category theory for programmers B. M.
Don Quixote M. d. C.
The end of modernity G. V.
Philosophical Fragments S. K.
The Leopard G. T. d. L.
Parerga and Paralipomena A. S.
Principia Mathematica A. N. W. & B. R.
The Metamorphosis F. K.
Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals I. K.
Being and Nothingness J. P. S.
Crime and Punishment F. D.
In Praise of Folly D. E.
Capitalist Realism M. F.
The Second Sex S. d. B.
A philosophical essay on probabilities P. S. L.
From Stimulus to Science W. V. O. Q.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding D. H.
The Antichrist F. N.
Ecce Homo F. N.
The Logic of Sense G. D.
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis J. L.
Ethics B. S.
Monadology G. W. L.
Faust J. W. v. G.
The Invisible Man H. G. W.
The Temptation to Exist E. C.
Prison Notebooks A. G.
The Southern Question A. G.
Types of Proof System P. S.
To Mock a Mockingbird R. S.
The Design of Everyday Things D. N.
The Social Animal E. A.
The Meaning of Human Existence E. O. W.
The Naked Ape D. M.
Science Without Numbers: A Defense of Nominalism H. F.
Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary W. V. O. Q.
A Monetary History of the United States M. F.
Our Inner Ape: The Best and Worst of Human Nature F. d. W.
I Am a Strange Loop D. H.
The Disordered Mind: What Unusual Brains Tell Us About Ourselves E. K.
Guns, Germs, and Steel J. D.
Japanese Ghost Stories L. H.
Invisible Cities I. C.