ⓘ How Pillbugs Reproduce

Pillbugs reproduce through a process known as "oviparous" reproduction. The female pillbug lays eggs, which are then carried in a special pouch called a marsupium. The eggs hatch into juvenile pillbugs, which look similar to the adults. Pillbugs go through several molting stages as they grow, shedding their exoskeleton to accommodate their increasing size.

Male and female pillbugs are usually distinguishable by differences in their last pair of pereopods (legs). Pillbugs typically have a high reproductive capacity, with the ability to produce multiple broods of eggs during their lifetimes.

Disclaimer: This simulation provides a simplified model of pillbug population dynamics. It is based on assumptions and may not accurately represent real-world behavior. For instance, the simulation assumes an average lifespan of 3-4 years for pillbugs and allows you to adjust the number of broods and eggs produced per year after reaching maturity (at 1 year).